Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program (MBSYEP)

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A family going on a trip talking to the staff in the airport check-in counter.
A man wearing a mask and a woman wearing a transparent face shield
A man wearing a protective suit.

The Deliverables

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  • Partner with the DC Department of Employment Services (DOES) and a local organization to provide professional development trainings for DC youth ages 16-24

The Challenges

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The Success

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The Outreach Global Group Team is Dedicated

A white arc line.An orange arc line.

The Outreach Global Group team is dedicated to working with populations who deserve better systemic support by providing funding pathways.

Two women sitting on a staircase looking at the laptop on one of the girls lap.
A woman writing down on a piece of paper on the desk.
Hand drawn blue circle.
A woman laughing in front of her mac laptop.